True Love endures all-things for the Glory of God (Part Two)
True Love endures all-things for the Glory of God
Enduring all-things expresses the lasting and abiding nature of the principles of divine love in the soul of man. This love which God births in our hearts at conversion is a love that does not fail. True love does not fail, Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy, love does not parade itself, and it is not puffed up. It does not behave rudely, does not seek it own, is not provoked, thinks no evil and does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Bears all-things, believes all truths of God and hopes all-things in the promises of God and endures all-things. Love never fails. (1 Cor 13; 4-7).
There are many times in our Christian walk when we feel that much of life is suffering. Suffering brings us to ask many questions, Why does God allow some people to suffer so much pain? There are a number of answers, but I want to deal with the main text of enduring all-things with/for love. This love that endures is a love that demonstrates to the world that whatever opposition comes our way, nothing can overthrow true love, it does not fail to love.
I have personally known two people who have died of Cancer and have had to die extremely painful deaths. Life has shown me that the best Christians seem to be the ones that suffer the most in this life.
To some unbelievers, they cannot see any moral reason or purpose in the suffering of people., especially in the so called children of God (Christians). But as Gold is tested in the furnace of fire to see and show what is pure, so also the soul of a child of God is tested. Suffering shows the world God’s love as it manifests a love that does not fail. It endures all-things to love God, no matter what because this suffering is showing the world the glory of Gods love. Gods divine love is manifested through his people in to the world, showing that love does not fail, love does not give up on love. True love endures all-things. It is an unbreakable love. It counts no wrongs..
As God lives in us, it is him who gives us this love and it is him who preserves us to the end with this love for his own glory to demonstrate true love.
Where is does truly exist in the heart, all its enemies cannot destroy it, and all opposition against it cannot crush it. It endues all-things.6 For nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8; 35).
Enduring all-things expresses the lasting and abiding nature of the principles of divine love in the soul of man. This love which God births in our hearts at conversion is a love that does not fail. True love does not fail, Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy, love does not parade itself, and it is not puffed up. It does not behave rudely, does not seek it own, is not provoked, thinks no evil and does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Bears all-things, believes all truths of God and hopes all-things in the promises of God and endures all-things. Love never fails. (1 Cor 13; 4-7).
There are many times in our Christian walk when we feel that much of life is suffering. Suffering brings us to ask many questions, Why does God allow some people to suffer so much pain? There are a number of answers, but I want to deal with the main text of enduring all-things with/for love. This love that endures is a love that demonstrates to the world that whatever opposition comes our way, nothing can overthrow true love, it does not fail to love.
I have personally known two people who have died of Cancer and have had to die extremely painful deaths. Life has shown me that the best Christians seem to be the ones that suffer the most in this life.
To some unbelievers, they cannot see any moral reason or purpose in the suffering of people., especially in the so called children of God (Christians). But as Gold is tested in the furnace of fire to see and show what is pure, so also the soul of a child of God is tested. Suffering shows the world God’s love as it manifests a love that does not fail. It endures all-things to love God, no matter what because this suffering is showing the world the glory of Gods love. Gods divine love is manifested through his people in to the world, showing that love does not fail, love does not give up on love. True love endures all-things. It is an unbreakable love. It counts no wrongs..
As God lives in us, it is him who gives us this love and it is him who preserves us to the end with this love for his own glory to demonstrate true love.
Where is does truly exist in the heart, all its enemies cannot destroy it, and all opposition against it cannot crush it. It endues all-things.6 For nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8; 35).