Thursday, December 28, 2006

Foolishness of Unbelief

Foolishness of unbelief

In the book of Psalms, chapter 14; 1 it says boldly "The fool has said in his heart there is no God". Why is the Bible so strong on unbelief? It is because it is a rejection of Gods revelation. It is to reject that the world is rational with an ultimate rational source behind it. It is to imply that the world is impersonal or irrational. But the fool thinks he can go out into the world and interpret a world, which has no interpretation or meaning to it. How foolish is that!

To reject Gods revelation is to reject knowledge, which is Gods interpretation of reality.
This is why the apostle Paul made the rhetorical question "Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world ( 1 Cor. 1 ;20).That being the philosophies of man who try to explain reality without acknowledging God.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes (Prov. 12; 15). Professing to be wise they have become fools ( Rom. 1; 23 ).

To reject that the universe has a rational mind behind it is to make a world with no meaning and purpose. The unbeliever wishes to believe that the world is irrational, but they can tell us all about it purpose rationally. This is not wise or deep it is irrational, Foolishness.

The fool says,

There is no God or ultimate interpretation or meaning for life! But they use meaning and rationality to tell us this.

They say that there is no such thing as absolute truth! But one only has to ask them if their question is true.

They say that we can not know anything for sure! But they know this for sure "that we cannot know anything for sure.

They deny God existence and complain that evil exist, for which they have no standard to judge reality against.

Some say but how do you know that this world is not just an illusion? Well if this world is an illusion and our minds are in this illusion then our very thought that this world is an illusion is an illusion too, so don’t trust it.

But how do we know reality exists, maybe I don’t? Well the fact that you are trying to deny it shows you must exist. For who is doing the denying?

The unbeliever wants to be the ultimate standard for all things. He wants to have meaning but deny Gods existence for a rational world. He wants to have design, but not a designer, he wants to believe that he is a moral good person, but not that there is a moral lawgiver.

Instead of being a servant for the Creator, unbelievers want to be the Creator. They want to be the ultimate and stand in Gods place.


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