Friday, August 18, 2006

Why did God decree sin?

Why did God degree sin?

In this Post we will be looking at "why God decreed sin into existence. In future Post’s we will look at what are some of the many purposes of evil and suffering and trials in our lives, but for now we will be focussing on the ultimate reason, the eternal reason for Evil’s existence.

For many this subject is just to hard to accept, that because God is the first cause of all things, that evil’s existence has come to a reality because God brought it into being by his eternal decree.

Many may reject my answer, which is to follow, but to reject you must defend your rejection with scripture. The Bible does say that "The secret things belong to the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong to us"(Deut 29;29). There are many questions we will never understand or know, but where God has given us an answer we should take note.

What ever God does or creates he does for his Glory. If this is the case, then there is a purpose for evil’s existence. This does not mean that evil in it self is good and wonderful, no EVIL is EVIL, but God has a good purpose for it. For everything that happens will rebound to God’s glory because "from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever (Rom 11;36).

The Grand demonstration, Romans 9;22-23.

To answer this question fully we will first look at Romans 9;22-23 and its purpose, and then in another Post we will examine the whole chapter of Romans 9 as many try and back out of its truth.

To begin with we will follow verse; 21 into verse; 23. Here we have Paul declaring that does not God have the Sovereign right as the potter to make out of the same lump of clay one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?. In this section Paul is speaking of the unconditional election of some to eternal life and the others for eternal wrath. But why would God degree this, Well,

"What if God wanting to show his wrath and make his power know endured with much suffering
the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had prepared beforehand for glory" (Rom. 9;22-23).

Here, through the Apostle Paul, God tells you the reason why he ordained evil. Paul says that God endures with longsuffering the vessels that were fitted for destruction in order to demonstrate and make known his wrath and power. Likewise sin entered the world so that he might make known the enormous wealth of his glory by pouring out his mercy on the vases designed beforehand for eternal life. The Salvation of some through a redeemer is designed to display the attributes of love, mercy and holiness.

God has created two types of people, which he has fashioned to manifest all of his glorious attributes upon his creation to demonstrate his glory.

God has redeemed a people to manifest his glory to an audience, this being to the rulers and to the authorities in the heavenly places (Eph 3;8;11). This is the reason why Evil exists because it brings God glory. It also gives us a world to manifest and feel the power of his Love, mercy and holiness.

Some might complain that God is not fair, but what standard are you judging God by? Does not the creator have the right?. Therefore he has mercy on whom he wills, and whom he will he hardens. You will say to me then, Why does he (God) still find fault? For who has resisted his will? But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this" (Rom. 9;18-20).

There is no such thing as the unsolved problem of evil, There is a reason and answer for it. For us who are saved we must bow our heads in complete mercy and respect for the creator who has chosen us as his son’s of glory and pour out his love for other's to feel.