Friday, June 09, 2006

There has to be an eternal reference point for reality!

Reality exists, so there must be an eternal foundation for its existence. As reality can not come into existence from nothing. Nothing has know power and from nothing, nothing comes.
If nothing can produce "nothing", then there has to be an eternal foundation, which has no cause for its existence. It is self-existent. To explain it simple, there has to be a starting place.

This foundation is either rational or impersonal, God or the universe. If it is God and science is correct, the universe had a beginning so God is the eternal foundation for all finite reality. If it is not God then the universe is impersonal (irrational) with no meaning to it or behind it. Also this universe would have to of existed forever, as being eternal.

There are only two choices the rational or the irrational. Because I believe the world is rational and science is correct I believe that God is the eternal foundation for all finite reality.

Some might think that it everything needs a cause, but this is not logical, as only things that have a beginning need a cause. God is the eternal uncaused cause or all causes in the universe.
Because God is eternal and has existed from all eternity as the absolute fixed foundation of ultimate reality. He is the creator and source of all other existence.

He is the sole interpreter of all events and facts in this universe. He is the sovereign creator of all things. Also all finite things are governed, guided, preserved, sustained, and accomplished according to the counsel of his will and purpose for his Glory (Eph 1; 11). Every event runs according to a rational purpose, there is a plan behind the running of the universe.
This we will look at more, when we look at God’s Sovereignty and Degree’s.

So how did God create the universe out of nothing, I’m sure some one is going to ask! Well this is not an easy answer and I am not God with all-knowledge. But I do believe that an eternal mind does have the power to project his thoughts (plans and creations) out into a hologram world, which is our universe. God speaks his thoughts and its comes into existence. His creations come from his rational plan for the universe designed with purpose and meaning. This may be far from correct, but I do believe it is more rational than saying nothing at ‘ALL" has the power to be the source for all things existing. Is it rational to believe that an irrational world made intelligence, a moral world full of design and purpose? You choose?, but don’t make un-intelligence more intelligent than intelligence please as that is irrational. At least my view has an entity to be the first cause of some thing.

God is the rational fixed foundation for all finite reality, he is the Sovereign creator and we are just precious clay shaped by the maker (the potter) for his Glory.


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