Monday, May 29, 2006

Why I do not believe in Reincarnation !

In this post I will be looking at the subject of Reincarnation, and wither it is a logical moral system. I will also be explaining why I do not believe in reincarnation.

Reincarnation basically means, "to come again in the flesh". It means that after death the human soul attaches to another body and returns to live another life.

There are many forms of reincarnation. The most common coming from the Eastern worldview, that being from Hinduism and Buddhism. These are based in the teaching of the law of Karma. Under the law of karma what one sows in this life is reaped in the next. Every action in this life has a reaction or consequence in this life or in the next. The other forms of reincarnation come from Greek philosophy (Plato and his immortal soul theory) and today’s New Age picnic of beliefs.

Most people who believe in reincarnation do not believe in a personal creator God, but in an impersonal universe. We are either trying to perfect ourselves so that we will be released from the world of karma and suffering or free ourselves into the impersonal oneness of the universe or we are trying to perfect ourselves so that we can obtain Godhood, and be free from suffering.
Reincarnation teachers that the reason we are suffering in this life is because of the evil deeds we committed in our past lives. So we are now reaping what we sowed. If one dies in this life living a pretty good life on this earth, there is a chance that he will come back as something or someone better, if one lives a wicked life he will come back as something or someone being punished or given a life set with suffering, so that he can work out his sins.

In Hinduism if one is born poor or suffering on the streets, crippled, maimed, homeless, or starving they are to working out their karma. These people suffer to work out their karma and if anyone helps them, then they will have to come back again and suffer even more to pay off their debt. This shows a complete rejection of compassion. As for Buddhism, the beliefs are mainly the same but they reject the concept that we have a soul. Buddhism is not really a new religion, as Buddha was born a Hindu, but latter after reflection on the lack of compassion in the Hindu teachings rejected Hinduism and adapted his own rules to how reincarnation works. So really Buddha just stole the teachings of Hinduism and adjusted them as he sore fit to get away from the burden of Hinduism. As for the New Age version, well they just pick beliefs from any religion and make up a smorgus board of beliefs and practices, which fits their lifestyles.

The reason why I do not believe in reincarnation is that it is not logical or even moral. If there is no personal God who created the universe, then we are left with an impersonal universe. An impersonal universe is irrational because there is no mind or plan behind the universe. The idea that the universe keeps record of what every person does and pays out the just rewards or punishments is a joke. To have a standard of morality, this standard must be held in a mind who is judging the world and its’ actions. A moral law is what we "ought" to do. However karma is not a moral prescription. It is an impersonal system of retribution only; it has no content to tell us what to do because it is a amoral law of act-consequence relations. Morals are held in minds not in irrational blind reactions of nature. For example when an earthquake shakes a town and kills hundreds of people is this moral? No it just is part of nature. Also the idea that people reap what they sow. So the belief that if you are always kind you will reap kindness just does not correspond to experience. I have found that most often the most righteous in this life suffer the most and the wicked seem to prosper. This seems to go against reincarnation.

The main purpose of reincarnation is that we will keep coming back until we get better. But if reincarnation were correct society should be improving. After all, if we have had hundreds, even thousands, of chances to improve over millions of years, then there should be some evidence of it. But today we live in a world that seems more evil than ever. We only have to go back a few years and recall one event, the killing of six million Jews and others under Hitler.

Its also interesting that all those people, who can remember their past lives, wore always some one of great importance. I ve never heard of anyone saying that they were Hitler or Stalin. They seem to always be Kings or animals.

Another problem with reincarnation is the problem of evil. All it is doing is recycling evil. Evil is never defeated as if a man beats his wife in this world, he must come back as a wife being beaten by her (his) husband, and it goes on and on repaying evil. If suffering in this life always results from evil done in a previous life, then there would have to be an infinite regress of previous lives. But an infinite regress of time is not possible, since if there were an infinite number of moments before today, then today would never come. One the other hand if there was not an infinite number of lives before this one, then there must have been a first life in which a previous incarnation was not the cause of its evil. It was God who created the first beings, and they used there freedom and freewill to sin.

Reincarnation has no answer to why evil exists and where it came from?

Even on the reincarnation assumption that there has been an infinite amount of time before today, his view faces another problem. In an infinite amount of moments there is more than enough time to achieve the perfection of all souls which reincarnation is designed to do. But we still seem to be dealing with evil.

Reincarnation can be trace to the lie of the serpent in the Garden to Eve, "if you eat of the forbidden fruit you shall surely not die, but you will have your eyes opened and be like God".
People today believe the lie, that we will never die, that we will just keep getting recycled and keep coming back and back for another chance. That there is no final eternal judgement where we will stand before Almighty God were justice will be dealt to evil and some will live for eternity in Heaven and some in eternal Hell and evil will be finished will. It is the mindset that we will conquer evil and understand the good and become ourselves gods. When one becomes a god he takes the place of the creator and strips him of his glory. A created creature is not above his master the creator.

I believe reincarnation is a cruel system that show know compassion and has no moral standard to follow. It is also a system were evil will never be defeated and suffering will reign forever. This is a belief I can not live with.

Jesus came to bring life and to lift up the broken hearted and set the captives free from the power of sin. His heart shows a God full of compassion and Love.


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