Saturday, April 22, 2006

Eve was the first Irrationalist

As we saw in the last post whenever fallen man tries to interpret reality and wisdom without God’s revelation and light , one becomes irrational in their thinking.
We live in a world where this is done often because of the rejection of God’s existence. But funny enough the first person to become an irrationalist was Eve.

She knew God existed without a doubt. But in the Garden of Eden under the Serpent’s temptations she fell and took of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. She rejected God’s interpretation and wisdom and looked for her own wisdom apart from God’s.
We can’t just only blame Eve, Adam soon followed Eve in partaking of forbidden knowledge that would bring them death.

How was Eve deceived if she knowingly disobeyed God? The answer is that as soon as she ceased to be regulated by the light of God’s word, her imagination became filled with the false impressions presented to her by Satan, and her mind became darkened. She was persuaded to disbelieve what was true and believe what was false.

This is what our world does today. It suppresses God’s truth ( Rom. 11;18) and believes what is false as there is no criteria or standard for them to judge their views on.
Professing to be wise they become fools (Rom. 1; 22).

We may laugh at the story of Genesis in the Garden, but this story is the only foundation for meaning and understanding for where humanity gets its sin nature from.
Our world thinks it can fix all problems with money and science, but what it can’t fix is the power of sin and death.


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