Thursday, April 06, 2006

Can we create our own meaningful paths?

Can we even create our own meaningful path for life. If one can not create meaning, can we then say that it is possible to choose a meaningful path for our lives. Clearly one has not found "The meaning to life", but could we not say he has found a meaning for his life? This being that he/she has engaged in a chosen path undistorted by external manipulation. By this I mean that their choice for their path was not influenced by any one else’s paths.

It seems this view is bankrupt also, because how can one live in isolation without being influenced or dictated to.
It seems that we can not hold or chose our own meaningful path solely in a closed world dictated by our own wills. Reality outside of us seems to dictate to us a large part of the choices we make in this life, we are not totally free.

Cottingham says,

"But this is not quite good enough. It is not as if we are speculating in a vacuum about disembodied, deracinated beings who have a clean slate on which to devise the plan that will confer meaning on their lives."(Cottingham, The Meaning of Life, p. 26)

The fact is humans interacted with the world. If one person acts out of anger, resentment or a sense of inferiority, Cottingham says, "It looks as if they may be falling short of the autonomy and selfhood that is necessary for us to stay that their projects represent their own unmanipulated choices about how best to live". It seems to be meaningless and impossible to have meaning in isolation. It reveals to us that we live in an objective open world of meaning where we can all interact with each other.

What is the foundation for having a rational meaningful mind in this universe?


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